[1]For thy vncorruptible spirite, O Lorde, is in all thinges? [2]Therfore chastenest thou them measurably that go wrong, and warnest them by putting them in remembraunce in what thinges they haue offended, that leauing their wickednesse, they may beleue on thee O Lorde. [3]As for those olde inhabiters of thy holy lande, thou mightest not away with them. [4]For they committed abhominable workes [against thee] as witchcraft, sorcerie, and wicked sacrifices. [5]They slue their owne chyldren without mercy, they dyd eate vp the bowels of mens fleshe, and deuoured the blood in abhominable bankets, and had their mad fanaticall priestes: [6]And the fathers were the chiefe murderers of the soules destitute of helpe, [these doers] thou wouldest destroy by the handes of our fathers: [7]That the lande whiche thou louest aboue all other, might be a meete dwelling for the chyldren of God. [8]Neuerthelesse, thou sparedst them also as men, and sendedst the forerunners of thyne hoast, euen hornettes, to destroy them out by litle and litle. [9]Not that thou wast vnable to subdue the vngodly vnto the righteous in battayle, or with cruell beastes, or with one rough worde to destroy them together: [10]But thy mynde was in punishing them by litle & litle, to geue them place for amendement, knowing well that it was an vnrighteous nation, and wicked of nature, and that their thought might neuer be altered. [11]For it was a cursed seede from the beginning: yet hast thou not pardoned their sinnes wherein they offended, for that thou fearest any man. [12]For who will stand against thy iudgement? or who wyll blame thee for the nations that perishe, whom thou hast made? or who wyll come before thy face to be reuenged for the vnrighteous men? [13]For there is none other God but thou, that carest for all thinges: that thou mayest declare howe that thy iudgement is not vnright. [14]There dare neither king nor tiraunt in thy sight, require accomptes of them whom thou hast destroyed. [15]Forsomuche then as thou art righteous thy selfe, thou ordrest all thinges righteously, thinking it vnseemely for thy power to condempne hym that hath not deserued to be punished. [16]For thy power is the beginning of righteousnesse, and because thou art Lorde of all thinges, it maketh thee to be gracious vnto all. [17]For when men thinke thee not to be of a full strength, thou declarest thy power, and reprouest the boldnesse of the wyse. [18]But thou mastring thy power doest iudge with equitie, and ordrest vs with great fauour: for thou mayest vse power when thou wylt. [19]By suche workes nowe hast thou taught thy people, that the iust man shoulde be louing, and hast made thy chyldren to be of a good hope, because thou geuest roome to repentaunce for sinnes. [20]For insomuche as thou hast punished and with such deliberation and obtestation, the enemies of thy seruauntes, whiche were worthy to dye, where through thou gauest them tyme and place of amendement, that they might turne from their wickednesse: [21]With howe great circumspection then punishest thou thyne owne chyldren, vnto whose fathers thou hast sworne, & made couenauntes of good promises? [22]So where as thou doest chasten vs, thou punishest our enemies a thousande tymes more: to the intent that when we punishe, we should diligently thinke of thy goodnesse, and when we our selues are punished, we shoulde hope for mercy. [23]Wherefore, where as men haue liued dissolutely and vnrighteously, thou hast punished them sore with their owne abhominations. [24]For they went astray very long in the wayes of errour, & held the beastes (whiche euen their enemies despised) for gods, deceaued as chyldren of no vnderstanding. [25]Therefore hast thou sent them thy iudgement in scorne, as to chyldren voyde of reason. [26]As for such as wyll not be refourmed by those scornes [and rebukes] they shall feele the worthy punishment of God. [27]For looke in what thinges they disdayned when they suffred for their sakes whom they counted gods, seyng them selues punished in the same, they perceaued that he was in deede the true God, whom before they had denyed to knowe, and therefore came extreme dampnation vpon them.

Source: studybible.org