[1]For the vngodly say reasoning with them selues but not a right, our life is short and tedious, and in the death of a man there is no remedie, neither is there any man knowen to haue returned from the graue. [2]For we are borne at all aduenture, and we shalbe here by more fortune after, as though we had neuer ben: for our breath is as a smoke in our nosetrilles, and wordes as a sparke raysed out of our heartes: [3]Whiche being extinquished, our body shalbe turned into ashes, and our spirite shall vanishe as the soft ayre. [4]Our life shall passe away as the trace of a cloude, and come to naught as the miste that is driuen away with the beames of the sunne, and put downe with the heate thereof: Our name also shalbe forgotten by litle and litle, and no man shall haue our workes in remembraunce. [5]For our tyme is a very shadowe that passeth away, and after our ende there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man commeth agayne. [6]Come on therefore, let vs enioy the pleasures that are present, and let vs chearefully vse the creatures, like as in youth: [7]Let vs fill our selues with good wine and oyntment, and let there no flowre of the tyme escape vs: [8]Let vs crowne our selues with rose buddes, afore they be withered: [9]Let there be no fayre medowe, but our lust go thorowe it. Let euery one of vs be partakers of our volupteousnes, let vs leaue some token of our pleasure in euery place: for that is our portion, and this [only] our lot. [10]Let vs oppresse the poore righteous, let vs not spare the wydowe nor olde man, let vs not regarde the heades that are gray for age. [11]Let the lawe of vnrighteousnesse be our strength: for the thing that is feeble is nothing worth. [12]Therefore let vs defraude the righteous, and why? he is not for our profite, yea he is cleane contrary to our doinges, he checketh vs for offending against the lawe, and slaundereth the faultes of our maner of liuing. [13]He maketh his boast to haue the knowledge of God, yea he calleth hym selfe Gods sonne. [14]He is made vnto vs for reproffe of our thoughtes. [15]It greeueth vs also to looke vpon him, for his life is not like other mens, his wayes are of another fashion. [16]He counteth vs but vayne persons, he withdraweth hym selfe from our wayes as from filthynes, he commendeth greatly the latter ende of the iust, and maketh his boast that God is his father. [17]Let vs see then if his wordes be true, let vs proue what shall happen in the ende of hym. [18]For if the iust man be the sonne of god, he wyll receaue hym, and deliuer hym from the handes of his enemies. [19]Let vs examine him with despitefull rebuke and tormenting, that we may know his meekenesse, and proue his pacience. [20]Let vs condempne him with the most shamefull death: for as him selfe saith, he shalbe rewarded [of God.] [21]Suche thinges do they imagine, and go astray, for their owne wickednesse hath blinded them. [22]As for the mysteries of God, they vnderstande them not, they neither hope for the rewarde of righteousnesse, nor regarde the worship that holy soules shall haue. [23]For God created man to be vndestroyed, yea after the image of his owne lykenes made he hym. [24]Neuerthelesse, thorowe enuie of the deuyll came death into the worlde, and they that helde of his side do finde it.

Source: studybible.org