[1]And they passed unto Amphipolis and Apollonia the cities and they came to Thessaloniqa where there was a synagogue of the Jews[2]And entered Paulus just as accustomed he was with them and the Sabbath third he spoke with them from the scripture[3]As expounding he was and showing that going was The Messiah to suffer and to rise from the place of the dead He is Ieshu The Messiah This One Whom evangelize I to you[4]And people from them believed and joined Paulus and Shila and many from the Greeks those who worshipers were of Alaha also women notable not a few[5]Envious were the Jews and drew to themselves men evil from the streets of the city and formed a mob great and terrorizing they were the city and they came and they raised them against the house of Jason and seeking were to bring out them from there and to hand over them to the mob[6]And when not they found them there dragged they had Jason and the brethren who were there and they brought them to the Governor of the city as crying out they were "These are all the land have terrified and behold again here have come[7]Their host this is Jason and all these oppose the commands of Qesar abiding while they say that there is King another Ieshu[8]They were alarmed but the Governor of the city and all the people when they heard these things[9]And they took bail from Jason also from the brethren and then released them[10]The brothers but son of a moment in it in the night sent Paulus and Shila to Berea the city and when they came there entering they were a synagogue of the Jews[11]Nobler were for those Jews who there than Jews those who were in Thessaloniqa and hearing they were from them the word every day gladly while distinguishing they were from scripture whether these things so were[12]And many of them believed and thus also of the Greeks men many and women notable[13]And when knew those Jews who from Thessaloniqa that the word of Alaha was preached by Paulus in Berea the city they came also there and not ceased to stir and to alarm the populace[14]And Paulus sent the brethren to go down to it to the sea and remain did in it in city that Shila and Timotheos[15]And they who accompanied him Paulus came with him unto Athnos the city and when they left from his presence they received from him a letter to Shila and Timotheos that quickly they should go to him[16]He but Paulus while remaining he was in Athnos provoked he was in his spirit when saw he that the city whole was full of idols[17]And speaking he was in the synagogue with the Jews and with those who were worshippers of Alaha and in the market with those who gathered were every day[18]Also philosophers who from the school of Epiquros and others who were called Stoaiqo debating were with him and some and some of them saying they were "what? wants this collector of words" and others saying were "Alahas foreign he is preaching" because Ieshu and His resurrection preaching he was to them[19]And they took him and brought him to the place of judgment which is called Arios-Pagos as they were saying to him can we? know what is? this teaching new which preach you[20]Words for strange have sown you in our hearing and we wish to know what? are these things[21]Athenians but all of them and those who come there strangers about thing another not was it a concern to them except to speak and to hear something new[22]And when arose Paulus in Arios-Pagos he said men Athenians see I you that in all things are excelling you in the worship of demons[23]When for going around I was and beholding I was houses of your worship I found altar one where written it was on it "The Alaha The Unknown" Him therefore Whom while not know you worship you Him Him This One I proclaim I to you[24]Alaha for made the world and everything whatever that is in it and He is The Lord of the heavens and of the earth in temples which made hands not dwells[25]And not He is served by the hands of children of men and for anything not He has need because He gives everyone life and a soul[26]And from one blood He made the world whole of humanity to be dweling on the surface of the earth whole and marked out the times in His decrees and set the coasts of the dwelling places of humanity[27]That they would be seeking to Alaha and inquiring and by His creation they may find Him because also not He is far from everyone of us[28]By Him it is for we have life and we move and we exist so also men of the wise who were among you they said from Him is our lineage[29]Men therefore because our lineage from Alaha is not we ought to think that gold or silver or stones carved by the skill and by the knowledge of a son of man is like The Alahahead[30]Times for of deception has banished Alaha and at time this commands all of them the children of men that every man in every place shall repent[31]Because He has appointed the day in which He is going to judge the earth the whole in righteousness by The Man Whom He designated He has turned every man to His faithfulness in that He has raised Him from the place of the dead[32]And when they heard the resurrection from the place of the dead some of them mocking were and some saying were time another we shall hear you about this[33]And so went out Paulus from among them[34]And some of them joined him and believed one but of them he was Dionysius from the Judges of Arios-Pagos and woman one whose name was Damaris and others with them