[1]And when he was Apollo in Qorinthus went about Paulus in the countries upper and came to Ephesus and questioning was the disciples those whom he found there[2]Have you received The Spirit Holy from when you believed? they answered and they were saying to him Not even if there is a Spirit Holy has been heard by us"[3]He said to them And into what were you baptized?" they were saying Into the baptism of Yokhanan[4]Said to them Paulus Yokhanan baptized in the baptism of repentance the people while telling he was to believe in That One Who would come after him Who is Ieshu The Messiah[5]And when these things they heard they were baptized in The Name of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah[6]And laid on them a hand Paulus and came The Spirit of Holiness upon them and speaking they were in languages of languages [various] and prophesying were[7]They were but all of them men twelve[8]And entering was Paulus the synagogues and speaking he was eye in the public months three and persuading he was concerning the kingdom of Alaha[9]And some of them hardened were and were disputing and were reviling the way of Alaha before the assembly of nations then left Paulus separated from them the disciples and every day speaking he was with them in the school of a man whose name Turanos[10]And this continued years two until heard the word of the Lord all of them who dwelt in Asia The Jews and The Aramaeans[11]And miracles great doing was Alaha by the hand of Paulus[12]Thus also from the robe upon his body napkins or rags brought were and placed on the sick and departing they were from them the diseases also demons coming out were[13]Some there were but also men Jews those who going around were and exorcists of demons exorcizing in The Name of our Lord Ieshu over those who had in them a spirit foul as saying they were we exorcize you in The Name of Ieshu Whom preaches Paulus[14]There were but seven sons of man one a Jew Chief Priest whose name was Sqewa who doing were this[15]Answered demon this evil and said to them Ieshu know I and Paulus know I you but who? are[16]And jumped upon them man that who had in him a spirit evil and overpowered them and threw down them and when they were stripped and wounded they fled from house that[17]And this known became to all of the Jews and the Aramaeans dwelling in Ephesus and fell fear upon all of them and exalted was The Name of our lord Ieshu The Messiah[18]And many of those who believed coming were and relating their wrong doing and they were confessing the things that doing they were[19]Many but also sorcerers gathered their books and brought they burned them before everyone and they calculated their price and it came up silver pieces 10,000 times five[20]And thus with power great increasing in power was and growing the faith of Alaha[21]When but were done these things set Paulus in his mind to journey in all Maqedonia and in Akaia and to go] to Jerusalem and he said When I have gone there it is necessary for me that also Rome I shall see"[22]Andsent he two men of those who ministering were to him to Maqedonia Timotheos and Erastus he but stayed a time in Asia[23]There was but at that time commotion great about the way of Alaha[24]There was but there worker silver one whose name was Demetrius who making was shrines of silver for Artemis and enriching he was the sons of his craft with profit great[25]This one gathered them sons of his craft all of them and those who worked with them and said to them men know you that our profit all from this is work[26]Also you hearing are and seeing are that not are alone sons of Ephesus but also the multitudes of all Asia has persuaded this Paulus and turned away when he said that not gods are those which by hands of children of men are made[27]Neither this matter only is exposed and finished but also is the temple of Artemis the godess great is reckoned to her as not a thing also this godess whom all Asia and all nations worship her is despised[28]And when they heard these things they were filled with rage and crying were and were saying great is Artemis of the Ephesians[29]And was stirred up the entire city and they ran as one and they went to the theater and took by force they brought with them Gaius and Aristarkus men Maqedonians sons of companions of Paulus[30]And Paulus wanted had to enter the theater and restrained him the disciples[31]Also the Rulers of Asia because love him they did they sent and begged of him not to give himself to enter the theater[32]The crowds but that were in the theater very chaotic they were and each other shouting were many things for some of them not knowing were because of what? they had assembled[33]The people but of the Jews who were there they put forth of them a man a Jew whose name Alexandrus and when he arose he beckoned with his hand and wanted he to put forth a defense to the people[34]And when they knew a Jew he was shouted all of them in one voice about hours two Great is Artemis of the Ephesians[35]Pacified them the governor of the city when he said men Ephesians who? for of the children of men who not knows the city of the Ephesians of the temple worship is of Artemis great and the image that from Heaven descended[36]Because therefore against this a man not can speak it is necessary for you to be quiet and not do anything in haste[37]You have brought for men these when not temples have robbed neither have reviled our godess[38]If but this Demetrius and the fellows of his trade are to them a judgment with any behold Proconsuls in the city skilled are let them approach and dispute one with another[39]And if there is anything else seek you instead of what is granted from the law the assembly shall be dismissed[40]Because also now in danger we stand to be accused as seditious that not we shall be able to offer a defense for the crowd which day this because we have assembled uselessly and we are in an uproar without a cause[41]And when these things he had said he dismissed the crowds