The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]Then SamuelH8050 tookH3947[H8799] a vialH6378 of oilH8081, and pouredH3332[H8799] it upon his headH7218, and kissedH5401[H8799] him, and saidH559[H8799], Is it not because the LORDH3068 hath anointedH4886[H8804] thee to be captainH5057 over his inheritanceH5159? [1]Then Samuel took a vial of oil and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, Hath not the Lord anointed thee to be governor over his inheritance?
[2]When thou art departedH3212[H8800] from meH5978 to dayH3117, then thou shalt findH4672[H8804] twoH8147 menH582 by Rachel'sH7354 sepulchreH6900 in the borderH1366 of BenjaminH1144 at ZelzahH6766; and they will sayH559[H8804] unto thee, The assesH860 which thou wentestH1980[H8804] to seekH1245[H8763] are foundH4672[H8738]: and, lo, thy fatherH1 hath leftH5203[H8804] the careH1697 of the assesH860, and sorrowethH1672[H8804] for you, sayingH559[H8800], What shall I doH6213[H8799] for my sonH1121? [2]When thou shalt depart from me this day, thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border of Benjamin, even at Zelzah, and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek, are found: and lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses, and sorroweth for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
[3]Then shalt thou go onH2498[H8804] forwardH1973 from thence, and thou shalt comeH935[H8804] to the plainH436 of TaborH8396, and there shall meetH4672[H8804] thee threeH7969 menH582 going upH5927[H8802] to GodH430 to BethelH1008, oneH259 carryingH5375[H8802] threeH7969 kidsH1423, and anotherH259 carryingH5375[H8802] threeH7969 loavesH3603 of breadH3899, and anotherH259 carryingH5375[H8802] a bottleH5035 of wineH3196: [3]Then shalt thou go forth from thence and shalt come to the plain of Tabor, and there shall meet thee three men going up to God to Bethel: one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:
[4]And they willH7592[H8804] saluteH7965 thee, and giveH5414[H8804] thee twoH8147 loaves of breadH3899; which thou shalt receiveH3947[H8804] of their handsH3027. [4]And they will ask thee if all be well, and will give thee the two loaves of bread, which thou shalt receive of their hands.
[5]AfterH310 that thou shalt comeH935[H8799] to the hillH1389 of GodH430, where is the garrisonH5333 of the PhilistinesH6430: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thitherH935[H8800] to the cityH5892, that thou shalt meetH6293[H8804] a companyH2256 of prophetsH5030 coming downH3381[H8802] from the high placeH1116 with a psalteryH5035, and a tabretH8596, and a pipeH2485, and a harpH3658, beforeH6440 them; and they shall prophesyH5012:[H8693] [5]After that shalt thou come to the hill of God, where is the garrisons of the Philistines: and when thou art come thither to the city, thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a viol, and a timbrel, and a pipe, and an harp before them, and they shall prophecy.
[6]And the SpiritH7307 of the LORDH3068 will comeH6743[H8804] upon thee, and thou shalt prophesyH5012[H8694] with them, and shalt be turnedH2015[H8738] into anotherH312 manH376. [6]Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophecy with them, and shalt be turned into another man.
[7]And let it be, when these signsH226 are comeH935[H8799] unto thee, that thou doH6213[H8798] as occasionH4672[H8799] serveH3027 thee; for God is with theeH430. [7]Therefore when these signs shall come unto thee, do as occasion shall serve: for God is with thee.
[8]And thou shalt go downH3381[H8804] beforeH6440 me to GilgalH1537; and, behold, I will come downH3381[H8802] unto thee, to offerH5927[H8687] burnt offeringsH5930, and to sacrificeH2076[H8800] sacrificesH2077 of peace offeringsH8002: sevenH7651 daysH3117 shalt thou tarryH3176[H8686], till I comeH935[H8800] to thee, and shewH3045[H8689] thee what thou shalt doH6213.[H8799] [8]And thou shalt go down before me to Gilgal: and I also will come down unto thee to offer burnt offerings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace. Tarry for me seven days, till I come to thee and show thee what thou shalt do.
[9]And it was so, that when he had turnedH6437[H8687] his backH7926 to goH3212[H8800] from SamuelH8050, GodH430 gaveH2015[H8799] him anotherH312 heartH3820: and all those signsH226 cameH935[H8799] to pass that dayH3117. [9]And when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and all those tokens came to pass that same day.
[10]And when they cameH935[H8799] thither to the hillH1389, behold, a companyH2256 of prophetsH5030 metH7125[H8800] him; and the SpiritH7307 of GodH430 cameH6743[H8799] upon him, and he prophesiedH5012[H8691] among themH8432. [10]And when they came thither to the hill, behold, the company of prophets met him, and the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them.
[11]And it came to pass, when all that knewH3045[H8802] him beforetimeH865[H8032] sawH7200[H8799] that, behold, he prophesiedH5012[H8738] among the prophetsH5030, then the peopleH5971 saidH559[H8799] oneH376 to anotherH7453, What is this that is come unto the sonH1121 of KishH7027? Is SaulH7586 also among the prophetsH5030? [11]Therefore all the people that knew him before, when they saw that he prophesied among the prophets, said each to other, What is come unto the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?
[12]And oneH376 of the same place answeredH6030[H8799] and saidH559[H8799], But who is their fatherH1? Therefore it became a proverbH4912, Is SaulH7586 also among the prophetsH5030? [12]And one of the same place answered, and said, But who is their father? Therefore it was a proverb, Is Saul also among the prophets?
[13]And when he had made an endH3615[H8762] of prophesyingH5012[H8692], he cameH935[H8799] to the high placeH1116. [13]And when he had made an end of prophesying, he came to the high place.
[14]And Saul'sH7586 uncleH1730 saidH559[H8799] unto him and to his servantH5288, WhitherH575 wentH1980[H8804] ye? And he saidH559[H8799], To seekH1245[H8763] the assesH860: and when we sawH7200[H8799] that they were no whereH369, we cameH935[H8799] to SamuelH8050. [14]And Saul's uncle said unto him, and to his servant, Whither went ye? And he said, To seek the asses: and when we saw that they were nowhere, we came to Samuel.
[15]And Saul'sH7586 uncleH1730 saidH559[H8799], TellH5046[H8685] me, I pray thee, what SamuelH8050 saidH559 unto youH8804. [15]And Saul's uncle said, Tell me, I pray thee, what Samuel said unto you.
[16]And SaulH7586 saidH559[H8799] unto his uncleH1730, He toldH5046[H8689] us plainlyH5046[H8687] that the assesH860 were foundH4672[H8738]. But of the matterH1697 of the kingdomH4410, whereof SamuelH8050 spakeH559[H8804], he toldH5046 him notH8689. [16]Then Saul said to his uncle, He told us plainly that the asses were found: but concerning the kingdom whereof Samuel spake, told he him not.
[17]And SamuelH8050 calledH6817[H8686] the peopleH5971 together unto the LORDH3068 to MizpehH4709; [17]And Samuel assembled the people unto the Lord in Mizpeh,
[18]And saidH559[H8799] unto the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478, Thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 GodH430 of IsraelH3478, I brought upH5927[H8689] IsraelH3478 out of EgyptH4714, and deliveredH5337[H8686] you out of the handH3027 of the EgyptiansH4714, and out of the handH3027 of all kingdomsH4467, and of them that oppressedH3905 youH8801: [18]And he said unto the children of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I have brought Israel out of Egypt, and delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hands of all kingdoms that troubled you.
[19]And ye have this dayH3117 rejectedH3988[H8804] your GodH430, who himself savedH3467[H8688] you out of all your adversitiesH7451 and your tribulationsH6869; and ye have saidH559[H8799] unto him, Nay, but setH7760[H8799] a kingH4428 over us. Now therefore presentH3320[H8690] yourselves beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 by your tribesH7626, and by your thousandsH505. [19]But ye have this day cast away your God, who only delivereth you out of all your adversities and tribulations: and ye said unto him, No, but appoint a king over us. Now therefore stand ye before the Lord according to your tribes, and according to your thousands.
[20]And when SamuelH8050 had caused all the tribesH7626 of IsraelH3478 to come nearH7126[H8686], the tribeH7626 of BenjaminH1144 was takenH3920.[H8735] [20]And when Samuel had gathered together all the tribes of Israel, the tribe of Benjamin was taken.
[21]When he had caused the tribeH7626 of BenjaminH1144 to come nearH7126[H8686] by their familiesH4940, the familyH4940 of MatriH4309 was takenH3920[H8735], and SaulH7586 the sonH1121 of KishH7027 was takenH3920[H8735]: and when they soughtH1245[H8762] him, he could not be foundH4672.[H8738] [21]Afterward he assembled the tribe of Benjamin according to their families, and the family of Matri was taken. So Saul the son of Kish was taken, and when they sought him, he could not be found.
[22]Therefore they enquiredH7592[H8799] of the LORDH3068 further, if the manH376 should yet comeH935[H8804] thitherH1988. And the LORDH3068 answeredH559[H8799], Behold, he hath hidH2244[H8737] himself among the stuffH3627. [22]Therefore they asked the Lord again, if that man should yet come thither. And the Lord answered, Behold, he hath hid himself among the stuff.
[23]And they ranH7323[H8799] and fetchedH3947[H8799] him thence: and when he stoodH3320[H8691] amongH8432 the peopleH5971, he was higherH1361[H8799] than any of the peopleH5971 from his shouldersH7926 and upwardH4605. [23]And they ran, and brought him thence: and when he stood among the people, he was higher than any of the people from the shoulders upward.
[24]And SamuelH8050 saidH559[H8799] to all the peopleH5971, SeeH7200[H8804] ye him whom the LORDH3068 hath chosenH977[H8804], that there is none like him among all the peopleH5971? And all the peopleH5971 shoutedH7321[H8686], and saidH559[H8799], God saveH2421[H8799] the kingH4428. [24]And Samuel said to all the people, See ye not him, whom the Lord hath chosen, that there is none like him among all the people? And all the people shouted and said, God save the king.
[25]Then SamuelH8050 toldH1696[H8762] the peopleH5971 the mannerH4941 of the kingdomH4410, and wroteH3789[H8799] it in a bookH5612, and laid it upH3240[H8686] beforeH6440 the LORDH3068. And SamuelH8050 sentH7971 all the peopleH5971 awayH7971[H8762], every manH376 to his houseH1004. [25]Then Samuel told the people the duty of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book, and laid it up before the Lord, and Samuel sent all the people away every man to his house.
[26]And SaulH7586 also wentH1980[H8804] homeH1004 to GibeahH1390; and there wentH3212[H8799] with him a band of menH2428, whose heartsH3820 GodH430 had touchedH5060.[H8804] [26]Saul also went home to Gibeah, and there followed him a band of men, whose heart God had touched,
[27]But the childrenH1121 of BelialH1100 saidH559[H8804], How shall this man saveH3467[H8686] us? And they despisedH959[H8799] him, and broughtH935[H8689] him no presentsH4503. But he held his peaceH2790.[H8688] [27]But the wicked men said, How shall he save us? So they despised him, and brought him no presents: but he held his tongue.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org