Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And when came Festus to Qesaria after three days he came up to Jerusalem [No book]
[2]And informed him The Chief Priests and the Rulers of the Jews concerning Paulus and inquiring they were of him [No book]
[3]When they asked him this favor to send to bring him to Jerusalem when making they were an ambush by the road to kill him [No book]
[4]And Festus returned answer that Paulus is kept in Qesaria and I hurry I to travel [No book]
[5]Those therefore who are among you of whom it has come to their hands to go down with us and upon every offense there is with him with the man to accuse [No book]
[6]And when he was there days eight or ten went down he to Qesaria and the day next he sat on the judgment seat and commanded to bring Paulus [No book]
[7]And when he came surrounded him the Jews who descended from Jerusalem and the Leaders many and hard things brought had after him those things that not able they were to show [No book]
[8]And when Paulus rendered had a defense that not he had violated anything not the Law of the Jews neither the temple neither Qesar [No book]
[9]Festus but because wanted he had to confer a favor the Jews said to him to Paulus will you go up to Jerusalem and there on these things be judged before me [No book]
[10]Answered Paulus and said on the judgment seat of Qesar stand I here it is it is right for me to be judged not a thing have I sinned against the Jews as also you know you [No book]
[11]And if an offense was done by me or anything worthy of death not excuse myself I from death if but there is not anything of these things that they accuse me not a man will give me to them as a gift an appeal to Qesar invoke I [No book]
[12]Then Festus spoke with the sons of the kingdom and said an appeal of Qesar you have invoked to Qesar will go you [No book]
[13]And when passed days came down Agrippus the king and Berniqa to Qesaria to inquire the welfare of Festus [No book]
[14]And when they were with him some days related Festus to The King the case of Paulus when he said man one a prisoner left from the hands of Filix [No book]
[15]And when I was in Jerusalem informed me about him The Chief Priests and Elders of the Jews and requested that I make for them a judgment of him [No book]
[16]And I said to them it is not the custom for the Romans to give a son of man as a favor for slaughter until shall come the adversary at law and shall blame him to his face and shall be given to him a place to render a defense concerning that of which he is accused [No book]
[17]And when I had come here without delay the day next I sat on the judgment and I ordered that they bring him to me the man [No book]
[18]And stood with him his accusers and not could any indictment evil demonstrate against him like that which supposed I had [No book]
[19]Inquiries but one thing or another about their religion there is to them with him and about Ieshu a Man Who had died He Whom saying was Paulus that alive He is [No book]
[20]And because not established was I about inquiries of these things I said had to Paulus "Do? wish you to go to Jerusalem and there to be judged on these things" [No book]
[21]He but requested to be kept for the judgment of Qesar and I ordered that he be kept until I send him to Qesar [No book]
[22]And said Agrippus like I would to hear him man this and Festus said "Tomorrow will hear you him [No book]
[23]And the day next came Agrippus and Berniqa with pomp great and entered the place of judgment with The Chiliarch and the leaders of the city and commanded Festus and came Paulus [No book]
[24]And said Festus Agrippus the King and all of you men you who are with us concerning this man whom see you all the people of the Jews complained to me in Jerusalem and here when shouting that no more ought this one to live [No book]
[25]I but I have found that anything that is worthy for death not has been done by him and because he asked to be kept for the judgment of Qesar I have commanded that he be sent [No book]
[26]And not know I what? to write about him to Qesar because of this I decided to bring him before you and especially before you King Agrippus that when is examined his case I may find what I shall write [No book]
[27]Not for it is right that when we send a man a prisoner that not we would write his offense [No book]