Peshitta NT (literal)
The Martyrdom of Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna
[1]And commanded concerning him Festus to be sent to Qesar to Italia and he delivered Paulus and the prisoners other with him to a man one Centurion from the regiment Sebasta whose name was Yulius [No book]
[2]And when it was time for us to journey we boarded a ship which was from Adramintius a city and going it was to the region of Asia and entered he with us the ship Aristarkus a Maqedonian who from Thessaloniqa city [No book]
[3]The day next we came to Tsidon and behaved the Centurion with compassion toward Paulus and allowed him to go to his friends and be refreshed [No book]
[4]And from there we sailed and because the wind against us was we went around unto Qupros [No book]
[5]And we passed through the sea of Qiliqia and of Pamphulia and we arrived at Mura a city of Luqia [No book]
[6]And found there the Centurion a ship from Alexandria that going was to Italia and he put us in it [No book]
[7]And because hardly moving it was days many laboring we came next to Qnidus the island and because not let would the wind us go straight we went around unto Qrete opposite Salmona the city [No book]
[8]And laboring as we sailed around it we came to a place which is called Harbor Beautiful and near it was to it a city whose name Lasea [No book]
[9]And we were there time a long until had passed also the day of the fast of the Jews and there was for it fear to travel a man by the sea and counseling was them Paulus [No book]
[10]And he said men have seen I that in calamity and in loss great will be our voyage not only of cargo of our ship but also to ourselves ours [No book]
[11]The Centurion but to the Helmsman and the Master of the ship listening to was more than the words of Paulus [No book]
[12]And because that not suitable was it a port to winter in it the winter many of us desiring were to journey from there and if it was possible for us to arrive and to winter in port a certain that which was in Qrete and called it is Phoenix and look does to the south [No book]
[13]And when blew the wind of the south and they hoped to arrive according to their desire proceeding they were around Qrete [No book]
[14]And from after a little went out upon us a wind of a hurricane which is called Typhoniqos Euroqlydon [No book]
[15]Was carried by force the ship and not could stand against the wind and we gave in to the hands of it [No book]
[16]And when we passed an island certain which is called Qeuda we labored to be able to hold the lifeboat [No book]
[17]And when we took it up girding we were and we retained it to the ship and because afraid we were lest it would fall in a declivity of the sea we took down the sail and so moving on we were [No book]
[18]And when arose it upon us the storm it was severe the day next we threw goods into the sea [No book]
[19]And the day third implements its of the ship with our hands we cast away [No book]
[20]And as held it the storm days many and not the sun appeared had neither the moon nor stars the hope of our lives all entirely cut off was it [No book]
[21]And when a man the matter not able to endure was then arose Paulus in their midst and said if you had believed me men not sailed we would have from Qrete and preserved we would have been from loss and from suffering this [No book]
[22]And now counsel I that we may be without harm the life for of you one not will be lost but only the ship [No book]
[23]Appeared to me for in the night this an angel of Alaha Him Whose I am and Whom serve I [No book]
[24]And he said to me not fear Paul will be it for you to stand before Qesar and behold gives you Alaha as a favor all who travel with you [No book]
[25]Because of this take heart men believe I for in Alaha that thus it is according to what was spoken with me [No book]
[26]However island one there was for us to be cast [No book]
[27]And from after fourteen days that we wandered and we were buffeted in Hadrius The Sea at mid- night thought the sailors that land approaching they were [No book]
[28]And they cast an anchor and they found fathoms twenty and again a little they journeyed and they found fathoms fifteen [No book]
[29]And when afraid we were lest would be found we in places that have in them rocks we cast from the prow of the ship anchors four and praying were that would come day [No book]
[30]The sailors but sought to flee from it from the ship and they lowered from it the lifeboat to the sea in a pretext to go in it and tie the ship on land [No book]
[31]And when saw Paulus he told the Centurion and the soldiers that if these in the ship not stay you not cannot you survive [No book]
[32]Then cut the soldiers the ropes of the lifeboat from the ship and they left it adrift [No book]
[33]He but Paulus until it was morning persuading he was all of them to take food as he said to them today behold fourteen days from the danger anything not tasted to you [No book]
[34]Because of this beg I of you to take food for the sustenance of your lives a hair for from the head of one of you not will perish [No book]
[35]And when these things he had said he took bread and praised Alaha before all of them and broke and he began to eat [No book]
[36]Were comforted all of them and they received nourishment [No book]
[37]We were but the ship two hundred and seventy and six souls [No book]
[38]And when they were filled with food they lightened from the ship and they took wheat and threw into the sea [No book]
[39]And when it was day the mariners what was the land not knew but they saw on the side of the dry land a bay certain of the sea where considering they were whether it were possible to drive it the ship [No book]
[40]And they cut the anchors from the ship and they left them in the sea and loosened the rudderbands of the rudder they lifted the top sail small the wind to capture and sailing they were to the face of dry land [No book]
[41]And touched the ship at a place prominent between two deep channels of the sea and it was stuck in it and stood upon its end front and not moved was its end but back was destroyed from the force of the waves [No book]
[42]Wanted had the soldiers to kill them the prisoners lest they take swimming and escape them from them [No book]
[43]And the Centurion denied them of this because wanted he to save Paulus and those who able were to take swimming he commanded them first to swim and to pass on the land [No book]
[44]And the rest on boards and upon wood other of the ship they sent them and thus all of them escaped to land [No book]