Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
Greek Textus Receptus (1550/1894)
[1]These spake Jeshu; and, uplifting his eyes to heaven, he said, My Father, the hour hath come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son may glorify thee. [1]ταυτα ελαλησεν ο ιησους και επηρεν τους οφθαλμους αυτου εις τον ουρανον και ειπεν πατερ εληλυθεν η ωρα δοξασον σου τον υιον ινα και ο υιος σου δοξαση σε
[2]As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that to all whom thou hast given him he should give the life which is eternal. [2]καθως εδωκας αυτω εξουσιαν πασης σαρκος ινα παν ο δεδωκας αυτω δωση αυτοις ζωην αιωνιον
[3]But this is the life which is eternal, that they know thee, who art the true Aloha, and Him whom thou hast sent, Jeshu Meshicha. [3]αυτη δε εστιν η αιωνιος ζωη ινα γινωσκωσιν σε τον μονον αληθινον θεον και ον απεστειλας ιησουν χριστον
[4]I have glorified thee on the earth; the work which thou didst give me to do, I have finished it. [4]εγω σε εδοξασα επι της γης το εργον ετελειωσα ο δεδωκας μοι ινα ποιησω
[5]And now glorify thou me, my Father, with thyself, in that glory which I had with thee before the world was. [5]και νυν δοξασον με συ πατερ παρα σεαυτω τη δοξη η ειχον προ του τον κοσμον ειναι παρα σοι
[6]I have made known thy name unto the sons of man; those whom thou gavest me from the world: thine they were, and to me didst thou give them; and they have kept thy word. [6]εφανερωσα σου το ονομα τοις ανθρωποις ους δεδωκας μοι εκ του κοσμου σοι ησαν και εμοι αυτους δεδωκας και τον λογον σου τετηρηκασιν
[7]Now have they known that whatsoever thou hast given me is from thee. [7]νυν εγνωκαν οτι παντα οσα δεδωκας μοι παρα σου εστιν
[8]And the words that thou gavest me I have given them, and they have received, and have known assuredly that from thee I came forth, and have believed that thou didst send me. [8]οτι τα ρηματα α δεδωκας μοι δεδωκα αυτοις και αυτοι ελαβον και εγνωσαν αληθως οτι παρα σου εξηλθον και επιστευσαν οτι συ με απεστειλας
[9]And for them I pray; not for the world I pray, but for them whom thou hast given me, because they are thine. [9]εγω περι αυτων ερωτω ου περι του κοσμου ερωτω αλλα περι ων δεδωκας μοι οτι σοι εισιν
[10]And every thing of mine is thine, and thine is mine, and I am glorified in them. [10]και τα εμα παντα σα εστιν και τα σα εμα και δεδοξασμαι εν αυτοις
[11]Henceforth I am not in the world; but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep them through thy name, that [name] which thou hast given to me, that they may be one as we are. [11]και ουκ ετι ειμι εν τω κοσμω και ουτοι εν τω κοσμω εισιν και εγω προς σε ερχομαι πατερ αγιε τηρησον αυτους εν τω ονοματι σου ους δεδωκας μοι ινα ωσιν εν καθως ημεις
[12]While I was with them in the world, I kept them through thy name: those whom thou gavest me I have kept, and a man of them is not lost, but the son of perdition, that the scripture may be fulfilled. [12]οτε ημην μετ αυτων εν τω κοσμω εγω ετηρουν αυτους εν τω ονοματι σου ους δεδωκας μοι εφυλαξα και ουδεις εξ αυτων απωλετο ει μη ο υιος της απωλειας ινα η γραφη πληρωθη
[13]BUT now I come to thee, and these [things] I speak in the world, that they may have my joy completed in themselves. [13]νυν δε προς σε ερχομαι και ταυτα λαλω εν τω κοσμω ινα εχωσιν την χαραν την εμην πεπληρωμενην εν αυτοις
[14]I have given them thy word, and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. [14]εγω δεδωκα αυτοις τον λογον σου και ο κοσμος εμισησεν αυτους οτι ουκ εισιν εκ του κοσμου καθως εγω ουκ ειμι εκ του κοσμου
[15]Not that thou wouldest take them out of the world do I pray, but that thou wouldest keep them from the evil; [15]ουκ ερωτω ινα αρης αυτους εκ του κοσμου αλλ ινα τηρησης αυτους εκ του πονηρου
[16]For they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. [16]εκ του κοσμου ουκ εισιν καθως εγω εκ του κοσμου ουκ ειμι
[17]Father, sanctify them through thy truth; for thy word is truth. [17]αγιασον αυτους εν τη αληθεια σου ο λογος ο σος αληθεια εστιν
[18]As me thou hast sent into the world, I also have sent them into the world. [18]καθως εμε απεστειλας εις τον κοσμον καγω απεστειλα αυτους εις τον κοσμον
[19]And for their sakes I consecrate myself, that they also may be consecrated for the truth. [19]και υπερ αυτων εγω αγιαζω εμαυτον ινα και αυτοι ωσιν ηγιασμενοι εν αληθεια
[20]Nor for these do I pray only, but also for those who shall believe in me through their word; [20]ου περι τουτων δε ερωτω μονον αλλα και περι των πιστευσοντων δια του λογου αυτων εις εμε
[21]That they all may be one, as thou, my Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also in us one may be; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. [21]ινα παντες εν ωσιν καθως συ πατερ εν εμοι καγω εν σοι ινα και αυτοι εν ημιν εν ωσιν ινα ο κοσμος πιστευση οτι συ με απεστειλας
[22]And the glory which thou hast given me have I given unto them, that they may be one as we are one; [22]και εγω την δοξαν ην δεδωκας μοι δεδωκα αυτοις ινα ωσιν εν καθως ημεις εν εσμεν
[23]I in them, and thou in me, that they may be perfected in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and that thou hast loved them, as me also thou hast loved. [23]εγω εν αυτοις και συ εν εμοι ινα ωσιν τετελειωμενοι εις εν και ινα γινωσκη ο κοσμος οτι συ με απεστειλας και ηγαπησας αυτους καθως εμε ηγαπησας
[24]Father, those whom thou hast given I will that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see that glory of mine, which thou hast given to me; for thou lovedst me before the foundations of the world. [24]πατερ ους δεδωκας μοι θελω ινα οπου ειμι εγω κακεινοι ωσιν μετ εμου ινα θεωρωσιν την δοξαν την εμην ην εδωκας μοι οτι ηγαπησας με προ καταβολης κοσμου
[25]My righteous Father, the world hath not known thee; but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. [25]πατερ δικαιε και ο κοσμος σε ουκ εγνω εγω δε σε εγνων και ουτοι εγνωσαν οτι συ με απεστειλας
[26]And I have made known unto them thy name, and I make it known that the love itself, wherewith thou hast loved me, may be in them, and I may be in them. [26]και εγνωρισα αυτοις το ονομα σου και γνωρισω ινα η αγαπη ην ηγαπησας με εν αυτοις η καγω εν αυτοις
[17:3] The Aloha of truth.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info
Author: Stephanus (1550), with variants of Scrivener (1894)
Source: unbound.biola.edu