Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]The truth say I in The Messiah and not lie I and my conscience testifies to me in The Spirit of Holiness [1]I say the truth in Meshiha, and lie not; my conscience witnesseth for me in the Spirit of Holiness,
[2]Sorrow that to me great and affliction that is from my heart not ceases [2]That I have great grief, and [that] the sorrow of my heart ceaseth not.
[3]Praying I have been for that I my essential self destroyed may be from The Messiah for the sake of my brothers and my kinsmen who are in the flesh [3]For I could pray that I myself might be one accursed from Meshiha instead of my brethren and my kinsmen who are in the flesh;
[4]Who are the children of Israel whose was the placement of children and the glory and the covenant and The Written Law and the ministry which is in it and the promises [4]Who are the sons of Israel, and whose was the adoption of sons, and the glory, and the covenants, and the law, and the ministry, and the promises, and the fathers;
[5]And the patriarchs and from them appeared The Messiah in the flesh Who is The Alaha Who is over all to Whom are praises and blessings to the eternity of eternities Amen [5]And from whom appeared the Meshiha in the flesh, who is Aloha over all: his be praises and benedictions to the age of ages. Amen.
[6]Not it was but to fail had failed the word of Alaha not it was for all of them who from Israel are Israel [6]FOR the word of Aloha hath not really fallen: for not all who are of Israel are Israel;
[7]Neither because that from his seed are they of Abraham all of them children because it was said that in Isaaq shall be called to you the seed [7]Neither also are they who are of the seed of Abraham all children; because it was said, In Ishok shall be called unto thee the seed:
[8]This is but not that it were the children of the flesh are the children of Alaha but the children of the promise are accounted for the seed [8]But that is, the children of the flesh are not the children of Aloha, but the children of the promise are reckoned the seed.
[9]The promise for is word this that in time this one will come and there will be a son to Sara [9]For the promise is this word, In this time I will come, and a son shall be unto Sara.
[10]And not this only but also Rebecca when with one our father Isaaq it was to her conjugal relations [10]And not this only, but also Raphka when with one, our father Ishok, she had association,
[11]Before would be born her children or they would do good or evil was before revealed the choice of Alaha that this would abide not by works but by Him Who called [11]Before her sons were born, and had not wrought good or evil, the [choice] of Aloha was [made] known before that it should remain: not by works, but by him who called:
[12]It was said for the elder shall be servant to the younger [12]For it was said, The elder shall be servant to the less;
[13]As it is written Yaqob I have loved and Esau I have hated [13]As it is written, Jakub have I loved, and Isu have I hated.
[14]What therefore shall we say not evil is with Alaha? Alaha forbid! [14]What then say we? Is there iniquity with Aloha? Not so:
[15]Behold also to Moses He said I shall show love on whomever love I and I shall take pity on whomever pity I [15]Behold, also, he said unto Musha, I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy, and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious.
[16]Not therefore by means of him who wills neither by means of him who runs but in the hand of Alaha The Merciful [16]Therefore it is not by him who willeth, nor by him who runneth, but by Aloha the Merciful.
[17]He said for in the scriptures to Pharaoh for this I raised you up that I may show with you My power and that may be declared My Name in the earth whole [17]For it is said in the scripture to Pherun, For this I have raised thee up, that I might show in thee my power, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.
[18]So then on whomever He will He shows compassion and whomever He will He hardens [18]Then upon whom he willeth he is merciful, and whom he willeth he hardeneth.
[19]And doubtless you will say why? does He find fault who is it? for who stands against His will [19]Perhaps thou wilt say, Of what then doth he complain; for who shall arise against his will?
[20]You therefore who? are O' son of man that an answer to Alaha give you not does say the thing formed to the one who formed it why in this way have you formed me? [20]Who then art thou, O man, who givest answer against Aloha? Will the mass say to him who formeth it, Why thus hast thou formed me?
[21]Or not is authorized a potter over clay that from it some formed things he will make vessel one for honor and one for disgrace? [21]Or, hath not the potter power over his clay, that from the [same] mass he might make vessels, the one to honour, and the other to vileness?
[22]If but was willing Alaha to show His rage and to reveal His power He brought in a multitude of long His Spirit rage against vessels of rage that were perfected for destruction [22]BUT if Aloha, willing to reveal his wrath, and to make known his power, in his much patience bore with the vessels of wrath who were perfected for destruction,
[23]And overflows His love on vessels of compassion that prepared were for Alaha for glory [23]And poured his mercy upon the vessels of mercy who were prepared of Aloha for glory,
[24]For we are we called not is it only from the Jews but also from the nations [24]Who are we, [ourselves] the called, not only of the Jihudoyee, but also of the Gentiles:
[25]Just as that also in Hosea it says I shall call those who not were My people people My and who not were beloved beloved [25]So also in Husha he said, I will call them my people who were not my people, and on those on whom I was not merciful, will I be merciful:
[26]It shall be for in the place where being called they were not My people there they shall be called children to The Alaha Living [26]For it shall be in the place where they were not called my people, there shall they be called the children of Aloha the Living.
[27]Isaiah but preached against the children of Israel that if shall be the number of the children of Israel as the sand of the sea a remnant of them shall be saved [27]But Eshaia proclaims of the sons of Israel: Though the number of the sons of Israel were as the sand which is on the sea, the residue of them shall be saved.
[28]The matter He has cut short and has cut off and shall do it the Lord upon the earth [28]The Lord hath decreed and determined the word, and will perform it upon the earth.
[29]And as what before said he Isaiah if not the Lord of hosts had left us survivors as Sodom been we would have and Amora like we were [29]And as that which Eshaia had said before: Unless the Lord of sebaoth had left to us a residue, as Sedum should we have been, and to Amura have been likened.
[30]What? therefore shall we say that the nations who not running were after righteousness have obtained the righteousness the righteousness but which that from faith is [30]WHAT then shall we say? That the Gentiles who have not followed after righteousness have attained righteousness, but that righteousness which is of faith:
[31]Israel but that run had after The Written Law of righteousness the Law of righteousness not obtained [31]But Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness, unto the law of righteousness have not attained.
[32]Because of what? because that not it was from faith but from the works of The Written Law they were stumbled for at the Stone of stumbling [32]For why? Because it was not by faith, but by the works of the law: for they stumbled at the stone of stumbling;
[33]As that is written that behold have laid down I in Tsion a Stone of stumbling and a Stone of offense and whoever in Him will believe not will be ashamed [33]As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of ffence; and whosoever in him shall believe shall not be ashamed.
[9:3] Cherem from Meshiha.
[9:6] Fallen to fall.
[9:30] Or, ran.
[9:31] Or, ran.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info